19th Tai Chi Caledonia
In a warm week, mid June 2014 a group of tai chi players gathered at the beautifully scenic university campus of Stirling University, deep in the heart of historic Scottish countryside, to learn and share skills in a spirit of openness and enthusiasm.
With the combination of good weather, skilled instructors and clear organisation the week was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. Below you’ll find a selection of the comments we received.
“I had a great time on Saturday so thanks very much. It was shaping up to be another fantastic TCC, I was sorry to have to leave after the one day. And sorry I couldn’t stay for the demonstrations – hope the rain stayed off, there was a biblical downpour on the way back to Glasgow!
But blazing sunshine today so I hope you’ve got that in Stirling too – it’s always such a treat to be able to train outside.”
Ali Burton
“A big thanks for yesterday’s event! We all enjoyed it immensely and learned so much. It has certainly renewed my interest in the form. I may even go back to the class that runs at the boy scouts hall in Stirling, so thanks again.”
Rhonda Platt
“Just wanted to say thanks for all your efforts for such a great week in Stirling.
Please also pass on my thanks to all your great team who always work very hard to make the event so good.
I thought the big tent was a terrific idea and it worked very well. I thought it made us feel like it was our area and not the Universities. It became a place to meet and push hands together and we didn’t have the feeling of having to get out at a certain time because there were others who had paid for that space. So I hope that you will be able to get the tent next year too.
I missed the daily visits from your team members. These visits are informative, humorous and also serve to make everyone feel more a part of the whole group. I would really appreciate it if you reinstated them next year and I am sure that others feel the same way.
I hope that I will be able to come along next year and be involved with the special week you are planning. I will be keeping my fingers crossed.”
Kevin Wilson
“I’d like to express my great appreciation for the work you have done again this year at Taichi Caledonia, which as ever, has been a very beautiful event for the human, cultural and technical aspects. I really enjoyed every moment over there, very rich of energy and serenity at the same time. But among all other things I feel that I have to thank you for the great experience that I had the opportunity to do teaching at the meeting. It was a great experience of growing up for me challenging my self ‘un-confindence’ and trying to do my best in order to demonstrate with practice what I was teaching theoretically. So thank you again, I hope you’ll continue with more and more success your work because I think it’s a small but a really big thing at the same time for the wellness of many people, and for me even if every job (legal) has the same dignity, when you do a job that can make better people’s life, it’s double worth 🙂
A very big hug, thank you also for the fantastic way in which you always make us feel very welcome 🙂 greetings from Gianfranco too.”
“Peut -être tu peux demander à google de te traduire ce message ! 🙂
je voulais te remercier parce que j’ai passé une semaine un peu magique ! Je ne connaissais personne (à part Annie et Daniel bien sûr) et pourtant je me suis sentie bien. Les cours étaient passionnants et le temps a passé très vite.
Bravo pour l’organisation impeccable et, de tout mon cœur, merci !
Le travail continue ! et à l’année prochaine !
I wanted to thank you because I spent a week a little magic! I knew no one (except Annie and Daniel of course) and yet I felt good. Classes were exciting and the time passed very quickly.
Bravo for the impeccable organization and with all my heart, thank you!
The work continues! and next year!”
“Being back home after a few more days in Perth I want to thank you and your team to make it possible to have such a good time in Scottland. Thank`s and all the best.”
“I really enjoyed the weekend & hope to be back next year.”
Nicola Smith
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