Programme 2016

Tai Chi Caledonia offers a range of options for attending, making it accessible to all, from beginner to adept. You can join us for a day, weekend, whole or part week basis, residential or non-residential.


The Weekend Sessions

Our teaching programme starts on Saturday morning at 10.00, following a brief introductory meeting. The weekend sessions include choices of 48 x 45 minute sessions allowing you to get a taste of a variety of approaches to tai chi & Chinese internal arts. We have grades these choices progressively from A – D, A being qigong and a softer approach, progressing all the way through to martial applications in section D.


The Week-long Sessions

From Monday – Thursday you will train 21/2 hours each morning and afternoon, over the four days allowing 10 hours intensive training, each morning and afternoon, working on 2 separate disciplines (1 each from A and B) for 5 hours per day in total.


Qigong Training

In the early mornings we offer additional qigong practice sessions featuring a different teacher each day.


Push Hands

In addition to the structured classes there will be time for both formal and informal push hands training.


Talks & Discussions 

In addition to the practical work we offer a range of talks and discussions on various aspects of Chinese Internal Arts. Being our 20th anniversary in conjunction with the Taijiquan and Qigong Federation for Europe, we have invited some special guests, please check for regular updates to our published programme.


Additions to Programme

To be kept updated with additions or changes to our program, either like us on Facebook or bookmark our site.