The General Data Protection Regulations introduced in the EU in 2018 require consent to be specifically given for organisations to use and hold personal data.
For any Tai Chi Caledonia event, consent to the use of your data is inferred by your submitting it on the booking form or by email. However, consent given in this way is restricted to using it for communicating information about that year’s event only.
The tick box on the current booking form is to provide opt-in consent for Tai Chi Caledonia to retain your data/images for as long as it is relevant to the Tai Chi Caledonia family activities and to use it in both the current and future years. Use of this data is, and will continue to be, restricted to providing you with information about the Tai Chi Caledonia family, namely the event itself and any workshops/seminars which may be presented by teachers from these events but separate from the events themselves.
Any personal data that we hold is restricted to name, address, telephone numbers, age amd email address as provided by you by email or on the event booking form. This information is held on a secure database accessible only to the organisers of Tai Chi Caledonia. We do not and will not share it with any other organisation or individual. The forms on which this data was submitted are destroyed after each year’s event.
Any photographs and videos taken during the event may be used for publicity purposes. Some of these may be published by us on our website and our Facebook page and shared with our colleagues at the European Taiji Forum ( ) who may use them, again for our publicity purposes, or to illustrate the topic being covered by the material. They may also be shared with Tai Chi Caledonia teachers for use on their websites. No personal data is shared. If you do not wish your image to be used you can inform the organisers at the start of the event or at any point during it.
If you require that we remove any personal information we have collected about you, please email your request to and your data will be removed in a timely manner where possible within the limits of the law.
For more information please see our Privacy Notice.
To allow everyone to have the opportunity to experience Tai Chi Caledonia we offer a number of options in which you can join us: You can attend for a day, a weekend, part-week or full week on either a residential or non-residential basis.
The weekend sessions offer 48 x 45minute ‘taster’ workshops and demonstrations by top-class instructors.
The week-long sessions provide an opportunity to work more intensively, over the course of four days of 2.5 hours = 10 hours with two instructors, one each from sections A and B.
Now in our 24th year we endeavour to offer top-class instruction on a range of material, by not only exceptional teachers but ones that are open, friendly and accessible to all levels of participants.
Once you have looked at the options and found what’s best for you, you can download a booking form here and make your reservation.
You should either include a cheque for the appropriate deposit (25%) (payable to Tai Chi Caledonia) or email us for our banking details to enable a direct transfer.
A: Full Week
Arriving: Friday 5th pm, Leaving: Friday 12th am
Includes all meals*, accommodation and tuition.
B: Monday – Friday
Arriving: Sunday 7th pm, Leaving: Friday 12th am
Includes all meals*, accommodation and tuition.
* There are no meals on Friday 5th and on Tuesday evening (9th) we have an optional Catered Buffet, so if you do not choose this option on Tuesday no evening meal is provided.
C: Friday – Sunday
Arriving: Friday 5th pm, Leaving: Sunday 7th pm
Includes all meals, accommodation and tuition.
D: Friday – Monday
Arriving: Friday 5th pm, Leaving: Monday 8th am
Includes all meals, accommodation and tuition.
E: Day Visitor
You can attend on a day only, basis, including lunch.
Bookings should be completed on an official booking form which you can download below:
Please complete the booking form, detailing clearly when you want to attend by ticking the relevant box and return it with the correct deposit to the address provided.
A 25% deposit is required to reserve your place. Please make cheques payable to ‘Tai Chi Caledonia.’ and send to the address on the form. It is now possible for our overseas visitors to make your payment via PayPal (however, because of PayPal’s charges, please DO NOT USE THIS METHOD IF YOU LIVE IN THE UK) to and make sure you remember to note who the payment is from! (Banking information for making direct transfers is available on request). Whether paying by PayPal or bank transfer please also submit a booking form with your full details.
Overseas Visitors
Those attending from overseas are eligible for a 10% discount towards travel costs if they book prior to March 1st and pay the full balance by 24th May. (Banking information for making direct transfers is available on request).
Booking Conditions
Bookings can only be made by paying the appropriate deposit quoted for the time you want to attend. A booking can only be confirmed once the full amount has been received.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help or advice with your booking.
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