Gordon Faulkner is the Director and Principal Instructor of the Chanquanshu School of Daoist Yangsheng Arts, a school with five branches of study: Quanshu, Daoyin, Neidan, Anmo, and Dao.
Gordon has had a lifelong interest in oriental culture but only began his martial art training in 1968.
As an Armed Forces Veteran with 22 years’ service in the Royal Air Force, he has trained with, been trained by, and ultimately trained members of all branches the British Armed Forces.
It was in the early 70s during his RAF service he encountered Chanquanshu, which led him to the ‘internal arts’ that would become his main practice.
During his military service, he became a founder member and General Secretary of the Royal Air Force Martial Arts Federation.
Recognised for his outstanding abilities in these fields in both the West and inside China, in the early 1990s he was invited to study the Daoyin Yangsheng Gong system with Professor Zhang Guangde of the Beijing University of Physical Education (BUPE).
In 1995, he became one of the first Westerners to be qualified as a Senior International Judge certified by the China Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Association and the China Wushu Society.
In 1999, at a ceremony held in the BUPE, Professor Zhang accepted him as a closed-door disciple (Ru Shi Di Zi in the Confucian tradition) and made him a successor to the Daoyin Yangsheng Gong lineage.
Gordon went through the Daoist Bai Shi ceremony on Wudang mountain in 2003 where You Xuande, the 14th generation Grandmaster of Wudang boxing, made Gordon a 15th generation lineage holder with the clan name of You Lisu.
He has taught throughout Europe and the USA, but presently Gordon teaches just a small group of dedicated students and, of course, his daughter Tina.
Academically, Gordon is a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society and member of the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding.