It seems that I’ve found myself in the favourable position of sitting right in between two push hands gathering… The first Scottish Push Hands meeting went down well in Glasgow last Sunday afternoon with 26 eager participants turning up to sense, listen, grasp, lock and push each other for nigh on four hours. With at least five different schools attending variety was the order of the day and the seeds are now firmly sown to allow us all to grow and develop a little further.
On Tuesday I fly, with my trust companion Al Scott, to visit long-term friend and business partner, Nils Klug as he hosts the 13th International Push Hands Meeting in his native Hannover, Germany. Having attended for 12 of these 13 long years it will be a pleasure to once again encounter old friends to share in the game of tui shou.
There are many approaches to the art of push hands and because of this I chaired a discussion group at Tai Chi Caledonia in 2007 entitled, “Why Push Hands.”
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