To celebrate the joint 20th anniversaries of both Tai Chi Caledonia and the Taijiquan & Qigong Federation for Europe we are staging a very special gala evening which will bring together exceptional quality tai chi, qigong and other Chinese internal arts and high quality Scottish music and culture. This evening is sure to be one to remember.
To enable this special event we will be hiring a theatre, musicians and performers as well as inviting key practitioners of the highest quality from a variety of European countries.
Over the course of our 19 years Tai Chi Caledonia has succeeded in engendering a good spirit of openness and sharing amid the European tai chi community and a number of past attendees have offered financial support to this very special evening. It is for this reason that we are opening this place for donations towards financing the event.
It is estimated that our cost for this event will be somewhere between £10,000-£15,000 and contributions can be made via our dedicated PayPal account, created specifically for this event.
The fund will be independently accounted for by supporters of this event and will not affect the core running costs of Tai Chi Caledonia.
We thank you for your contributions.
Ronnie Robinson
Click on the above ‘donate‘ button to give whatever sum you feel appropriate.
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