Ronnie’s Blog

What’s to Discuss?

  At a recent Tai Chi Caledonia we spent an interesting hour or so considering the aspect of ‘Spirit’ in Internal Chinese Arts. What it meant for practitioners and what role this concept played in their practice. You can view the full transcript on these Taiji Europa pages and also get a short introduction to […]

Caledonia Clothing

. For many years those who have attended Tai Chi Caledonia have been able to purchase our branded clothing such as T-Shirts, hoodies and tote bags. Now we are making them available to all – just click here for our online shop

Don’t Believe the Hype!

New Games Event 2013 Now you may well have heard about Tai Chi Caledonia and have picked up a programme or looked at our website to find out more what’s on offer. Now on reading the publicity information it would be reasonable to wonder about how much of what is said is true. Over the […]


Some time ago Nils Klug and I as part of our Taiji Europa project created a special dvd on the theme of relaxation. Simply entitled “Relaxation” the DVD features 8 of Europe’s key instructors proving simple, yet highly practical exercises designed to relax the body, calm the mind and stimulate the body’s natural healing energies. […]

Keeping in going….

As bookings are starting to come in I’m continuing to look for ways to make our event more accessible with including more meaningful and easy to comprehend information on our website. I’ve just updated our “Week” page and added a few more images and have contacted other instructors to get their’s too. If there is […]

Tai Chi Sword – Ken Van Sickle

  I’m delighted to announce that through one of my other activities, which I co-manage with my German colleague, Nils Klug,  that we are entering the world of book publishing. We are also particularly proud to feature Ken Van Sickle as our first author with his imaginative and insightful look at the Tai Chi Sword.  

Scottish Push Hands Meeting

One of the main reasons for starting Tai Chi Caledonia was to allow the few of us that were interested to get an opportunity to meet, learn and share with other practitioners, particularly in the field of push hands. Since these early days we have seen a plethora of annual push hands meetings in various […]


New Year, New Start So the holidays are over, some of us have rested, some of us have over-indulged but, by now, we’re all looking to join the New Year, get our heads down and do all the things we need to do to survive, to grow and to develop a little more each day. […]

A change is gonna come…

Those of you who are regular visitors to Tai Chi Caledonia will be justified in wondering what’s happening and those who are here for the first time may well feel there’s not much to see. Well please be patient over the next week or so whilst we migrate to WordPress, a system which I believe […]