Posts Tagged: homepage

Website now updated for 2025 event

Instructor and  programme details now in place as are the booking links. Have fun.

2024 Teacher Demonstrations

For those of you who are not on Facebook there are links to this year’s demos under the “resources” tab above.

Changes to some times

The university has changed the time of lunches during the week. Times at the weekend have not been affected. Monday to Thursday we will have to start lunch at 12.30 instead of 12.45. Consequently we will finish the early morning sessions at 9.15 instead of 9.30 and start the first workshop at 9.45 instead of […]

Something to consider while you are thinking about which workshops to choose for your own booking

Do you know anyone that would qualify for the Ronnie Robinson Bursary? If so, bear in mind that you need to have your nomination in by the end of this month for it to be considered. For those of you who are not familiar with the concept here are the details: Tai Chi Caledonia was […]

Reminder about the Ronnie Robinson Bursary

Just a reminder that nominations for this bursary should be with us by the end of February. Details can be found using the tab above

Website Now Available for Booking

The updates are now complete and you can see next year’s instructors, the weekend programme and the options for Monday to Friday workshops


Currently updating for next year’s event and so navigation not working properly for the time being. It is hoped tocomplete this by the end of the  month

Guest Speaker for Discussion Night – 26th Tai Chi Caledonia 2023

We are delighted to tell you that we will have Harriet Devlin with us on Tuesday evening to give a presentation about her mother, Gerda Geddes. Some of you will remember Gerda from a few years ago when Ronnie invited her to join us at Cally. For those of you who don’t, Gerda was the […]

Taco Tuesday is back!

Some of you may remember that we had planned a “Taco Tuesday” last year but the caterer let us down at the last minute. We are glad to say that a new caterer has been identified and “Taco Tuesday” is back on this July. In order to minimise delay in getting fed we have agreed […]

Teacher Change

Unfortunately Pim van den Broek will be unable to join us in July. However, Helmut Oberlack has agreed to take his place. Helmut will not be presenting the same workshops as Pim had planned but I have asked him to consider a topic that he thinks would suit those that have expressed interest in Pim’s. […]