Posts Tagged: homepage

Joining Instructions for the 2021 Zoom Workshops

Please note that the same link is used for all the midday workshops and a separate link for all the evening ones.Depending on your device/settings the link should take you straight into the meeting. If it doesn’t take you straight in then it will prompt you for the meeting id and then the password (see […]

2021 Zoom Programme

Here is the programme schedule and contents for this July (10th – 15th). Like last year, each day from Saturday to Thursday we will have two sessions, one at 12.00 and the other at 18.00 (BST).Each session will last approximately one hour with time for questions either at the end or as we go long.Again, […]


Last year many of you were kind enough to leave your deposits and payments with us for this year, for which we are extremely grateful. It is our hope that you can still leave them there for the coming year. However, we are aware that circumstances can change, so if you need a refund then […]

Tai Chi Caledonia 25th Anniversary Postponed Until 2022

We had said that we would wait until the end of this month before making a decision on this year’s event, but there seems no point in delaying the inevitable. It will probably come as no surprise, but a disappointment to all of us, that we will be unable to have a live Tai Chi […]

Latest (no) news about Tai Chi Caledonia 2021

In mid April I noticed a number of hits on the Facebook page and assumed people were wondering if there was any news. I updated the page and went to add the information here only to find a problem with the website which has only now been resolved. Anyway, just so you know, we cannot […]

25th Anniversary and Covid-19 – Update November 2020

With all the recent news about potential vaccines we have received a number of queries about next July’s event. The situation at present in Scotland is that it is hoped to start a vaccination programme in December, with potentially significant easing of restrictions by spring next year. This clearly gives us hope that the 25th […]

Tai Chi Caledonia discount on music for your class

The website has a varied selection of reasonably priced music suitable for using in your classes. If you see anything you like then just use code TAICHICALEDONIA20 to benefit from a 20% discount.

Links to the Recordings of the 2020 Online Workshops

EACH TITLE BELOW IS ITSELF A LINK TO THE RECORDING =============================================================== The Role of the Spine and Connectedness in Qigong and Baguazhang – Sonja Schillo =============================================================== There’s No Place Like Home – Tina Faulkner Elders =============================================================== Stance Phases: Modern and Traditional Approaches – Sam Masich ………………and a little bit of hip track too =============================================================== 360º […]

Tai Chi Caledonia 25th Anniversary 2021 – Teachers Confirmed

A bit of good news for a change. All this year’s teachers have confirmed that they will return next year (9 – 16 July 2021).My plan would be to take this year’s programme forward to next year but we haven’t yet discussed this so it may even be a new improved version in 2021 (How […]

Tai Chi Caledonia Postponed until 2021

I am sure it will come as no surprise that, sadly, because of Covid-19 we are having to cancel this year’s Tai Chi Caledonia.We did consider an alternative option but there is too much uncertainty to postpone the event. The restrictions currently in place in Scotland, which do not look like being lifted by mid-July […]

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